Samstag, 30. Januar 2010

DealDotCom: One Internet marketing product a day for low prices? Marco Spoerrle

There's a new service being launched this Tuesday that offers a two tier affiliating marketing program. According to their website they will sell one high quality internet marketing product per day for discount prices:

"Anything and everything related to building an online business, increasing traffic, monetizing your websites, blogging, web design... in short, we sell all things Internet Marketing. We've spent the last 4 months stalking big-name (and not-so-big-name) Internet Marketers who sell high-quality products, and convincing them to let us sell their stuff at huge discounts here on DealDotCom."

And so on and so forth, blah blah bladdy blah blah blah...

I signed up as an affiliate (accounts are free), but I'm VERY curious to see what kind of internet marketing products they're planning to sell. If there's one thing I'd love to see more of, it would be EFFECTIVE marketing services that can help promote your blog through WHITE-HAT means, without you having to pay for it using Bill Gates' checkbook.

If you do sign up, make sure to check out the site early morning on Sept 18th to see what their first product offering will be. That should give you a good indication of what they'll be selling and whether it's worth your time or not.

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